Health Care Directive Forms, HIPPA and Power of Attorney Documents

With all the hoopla in the news media about the Sterling case, I thought I should write something regarding incapacity and how to legally protect your children.
College Students

I’m frequently asked by parents of college-age students how they can protect their children in the event there’s a medical emergency. One client recently told me of a neighbor’s child who was away at college and was attacked by red ants and rushed to the hospital. The family could not obtain any medical information about her or her condition because she had not executed a HIPAA authorization and she did not have a Health Care Directive giving them authority to act on her behalf.

This tragic situation could have been avoided by making sure that she had executed a Health Care Directive, HIPAA authorization, Statutory Power of Attorney, and an Expanded Durable Power of Attorney.

In light of the many inquiries that we’ve had recently from parents of college-age students, we’ve decided to create a special program to help quell the fears of many parents. This annual program includes the four documents listed above as well as a cyber vault card where the documents will be stored electronically and the student will carry a wallet card with the information on how the hospital can access the documents immediately 24/7. Regardless of where your child attends college, these documents are valid in all 50 states.

Normally, we charge $900 for these incapacity documents in our Incapacity Estate Plan without the document vault service. But we want to help our loyal clients get this done quickly and inexpensively at only $495 per child for our College Protection Plan.

To sign up for this innovative program to make you can answer yes to the question: Is your child protected in the case of a medical emergency?, contact us at 760-448-2220 or directly at [email protected].
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